Thursday, February 14, 2013

40 Days to a Stronger Marriage - Day 2

Hello all, and welcome back! How did your day of prayer for your husband go yesterday? Did you pray for him every time you thought of him? Did you come up with a reminder for yourself? If not, now is a great time to do so. We will continue praying for our husband each day for the next 39 days of Lent.

Today is Valentine's Day. This is what I woke up to this morning. My husband took some time before work to bake me some sugar free brownies and even frost them with sugar free frosting. Being I am a diabetic, he can't just run to the store and buy a box of chocolates. I feel so blessed that he took his precious time this morning to bake for me.

Being Valentine's day, I thought it was a great day for us to do something for our husbands. So, here it is:

Day 2:
Tell your husband what your intentions are for the next 39 days of Lent. 
Sit down with him and let him know that you are going to commit this Lenten season to creating a stronger marriage. At least on your half. A marriage takes two people working toward the same goal and we all know that we can't change our husband. We can only work on us. You can make this a grand or as simple as you want. I chose to sit down with G.I. Joe and tell him what I was doing for Lent. He was really moved by the gesture. I think it means something to our husbands when we make them a priority in our lives. 

I am interested in hearing what you did for today and how you did yesterday. Don't forget to continue to pray for your husband all through Lent and beyond. Prayer is a very powerful tool!


Erika ~ Prey Species @ said...

Hi Laura - just checking in. Happy Valentine's Day. Love that your husband took the time to make you that special treat :) I woke up to chocolate hidden all around the house with little love notes. I think the most touching was the one actually written to our 6 month old that was hiding on top of the oatmeal box :) The praying went well yesterday - evenings are the hardest for us because we all (baby included) get tired and cranky at the end of a hard day. I hope it's OK - but I added a link to your page on the side of my blog so I am reminded each day during lent - it's where my husband can see it too. Just let me know if it's not OK or you want me to remove it and I will. Thanks!

Unknown said...

That is awesome! What a nice surprise for Valentine's Day! Yes, it's totally fine that you added a link to your site. Anything that helps remind you to come back from day to day.

Erika ~ Prey Species @ said...

Thanks Laura - I really am enjoying this - your writing style is very enjoyable for me to read and I appreciate you letting me come along on your journey :)